How To Pack Your Range Bag For a Successful Day

We all have heard of the concept, “dress for success”.  It’s a concept that emphasizes clothing as a means of achieving one’s goals and ambitions.  It revolves around the idea that your attire can empower you to reach your objectives, whether they are career-oriented or personal.  Today, I am going to share with you how to pack your range bag for a successful day on the range. Understand that those who are experts in the field, people who are competitors, or work in a niche field, their bags will be set up a little differently but we all start from the same place! Having and using the right tools is so important!   Just remember, a well equipped bag is just one part of success.  Proper and consistent training is what everyone should strive for.  

Let’s take a look at a well-equipped range bag to get you started:

1. The ideal range bag will provide: durability, appropriate capacity, ample storage options, comfort and look that fits your need.  Choose a bag that is designated for the range and avoid using it while traveling by air.  You don’t want to take a chance of a cartridge or spent brass hiding under a fold or in a pocket that gets overlooked while packing.  Range bags come in a variety of sizes and shapes.  In addition to bags that may look similar to a gym bag, there are backpacks as well as range bags with wheels.  This is especially nice as it’s much easier than carrying a heavy range bag.  The ideal range bag will allow you to store all of your range essentials in separate compartments with padded pockets to keep your items organized and protected. 

GPS Range Bag with bang bangs

2. Pack Shooting Gear and Accessories, including:
– Pack a firearm – or two!  
– Ammunition – make sure that it is the correct caliber for your firearm and keep it stored in the boxes you purchased. 
– Targets – there are a variety of targets out there besides traditional paper targets to help you hone your skill and make your time at the range a lot of fun.  
– Stapler or duct tape to affix your targets to the target backers.  
– Extra magazines 
– Magazine loader – this saves time as well as your thumbs as you load the cartridges into your magazine.
– Chamber flags or empty chamber indicators 

3. Quality Eye and Ear Protection:
This is a must have for every trip to the range.  If you wear prescription eyeglasses, check to see if your lenses are impact resistant.  If you don’t wear glasses, invest in a good pair of safety glasses.  

Purchase quality hearing protection.  Your hearing unprotected, can result in permanent hearing loss.  Consider electronic hearing muffs, they allow you to hear range commands clearly and carry on conversations while automatically cancelling dangerous noise levels.  Pack some extra batteries or consider purchasing rechargeable hearing muffs.  

GPS Bag with Eyes and Ears

4. Tools:
It would ruin your day at the range if you didn’t have the tools you needed to fix a minor problem. Keep these in your range bag for those quick fixes:
– Gun cleaning kit
– Toolkit with small flathead and Phillip’s head screwdriver
– Gun oil
– Gun mat or towel
– Multitool and pocket knife
– Small flashlight

tools in a range bag

6. First Aid Kit
Safety is always a priority at the range.  A basic first aid kit would come in handy for addressing minor injuries or wounds.  Your basic kit should include:
– Adhesive bandages
– Antiseptic wipes
– Pain relievers
– Any necessary personal medications along with personal emergency information

7. Other Essentials:
– Baseball cap or hat – to prevent hot brass from hitting your skin
– Notebook and pen – keeping a shooting log can be beneficial for tracking progress. You can also plan out what drills you want to perform while at the range
– Wipes to remove lead contaminants from your hands.  You would want to do this especially before eating or drinking.
– Hand sanitizer
– If you are shooting at an outdoor range, pack some sun screen, insect repellent, and ballistic sunglasses. 
Bags to store loose items or items you want to keep from getting dirty or wet

    Keep in mind that your range bag should be set up to fit your needs, whether you’re training indoors or outdoors.  Always keep your firearms in your possession and avoid storing your firearms in your range bag long term.  Make sure that your firearms are stored safely when you return home. Consider a handgun vault, rapid safe or floor safe to store your firearms safely.

    Finally, having these essential items in your range bag will help set you up for success.  Find a reputable instructor if you aren’t comfortable shooting on your own.  As you improve and continue to train, you will adapt your range bag to your fit your needs.  Now let’s hit the range!

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