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My Journey to Off Body Carry

First, let me say that making the decision to carry off-body was a journey for me.  Not only did I think carrying off-body would be not as efficient for personal protection, I really didn’t care for the carry purses I saw on the market.  I bought a few, tried them out, then they were banished to the big tote of mis-purchased holsters and purses.  I figured at least I could use them when teaching.  Then along came Gun Tote’n Mamas purses into my life but more importantly, the training that was needed to purse carry.  You don’t know what you don’t know!

GTM purses marked all of the boxes in what I was looking for in a carry purse.

The detail that goes into designing the purses for carrying a firearm.  Then other important factors such as, direction that the zippers pull, the reinforced strap with steel cable, the durable leather, RFID protection, and one of the most important things to me is that they are field-tested.  They even get better looking with time.  The leather is top of the line!

I certainly want to have confidence in the products I use to carry my firearm.  Just like a firearm purchase, holsters, and other types of carry, it’s really a very personal choice.  I chose a few purses that fit my lifestyle as well as my need in personal protection.

What doesn’t change is the need for training in how you carry.

 GTM not only has an exceptional product, they are huge advocates for proper training with your purse.  You want to continue training for any method of carry you choose.  I couldn’t be happier with my Gun Tote’n Mamas purses and just know you can always reach out to them with any questions.  They will take great care of you! You can see some of the GTM Original Handbags we demo at the Shoot Like A Girl and Safe LivinG trailer experiences HERE.

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