Pilar Cobb

How To Pack Your Range Bag For a Successful Day
We all have heard of the concept, “dress for success”. It’s a concept that emphasizes
How Shooting Sports Can Benefit Recreational Sports
There are many physical benefits to taking up shooting sports. Increased strength, stamina, balance, hand/eye coordination
Benefits to Carrying a Knife Everyday
Back in the day, nearly everyone carried a knife on them. Many of their lives
My Journey to Off Body Carry
First, let me say that making the decision to carry off-body was a journey for
Choosing The Right Ammunition
Differences Between Practice and Defensive Ammunition If you are new to the gun world, there
Up Your Situational Awareness Game
I am often asked by students who attend firearm training with me, “what do I
Stories From The Trailer
We have so many impactful stories from trailer events that we thought we would start
Tailgating Safety Tips!
Are you ready for some football tailgating safety tips! Football season is here. Time for
Tips For Choosing The Right Handgun
Frequently while working with students I asked, “what do you shoot?” or “what do you