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Raneigh Valkovec – She “Sees” You, and Can Help You

Raneigh has been a firearms instructor on the SLG2, Inc team sine 2022. She loves providing the community the resources necessary to safely handle and educate everyone willing to learn to safely.

How and/or why did you get started in shooting sports?

I became interested in shooting sports for self protection, competitive sport of it, and educational purposes.

Why are you passionate about working for SLG2: 

I enjoy providing the community the resources necessary to safely handle and educate everyone willing to learn.

When not shooting, what do you love to do

I train dogs, and fit people with shooting sports eyewear doing clinics with fellow shooters.  I also enjoy photography, and traveling.

  • Raneigh Valkovec
  • Raneigh Valkovec with SLG2 Inc Guest
  • Raneigh Valkovec with SLG2 Inc Guest
  • Raneigh Valkovec with SLG2 Inc Guest
  • Raneigh Valkovec with SLG2 Inc Guest
  • Raneigh Valkovec with SLG2 Inc Guest

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