Michelle Owens has been a Pro Staff Certified Firearms Instructor for Shoot Like a Girl since 2024. Michelle life mission is to strengthen, encourage and empower other individuals.
How and/or why did you get started in shooting sports?
I never grew up around firearms but knew there was a need. Through my youth I encountered some bad situations, but it was not until after meeting my husband that I realized I could take my protection into my own hands. That was 20 years ago and I am so thankful for that first shot! Since that moment I have had the pleasure of educate, empower and training with so many amazing people. Not only has the shooting sports provided me with security it has given me a community that is so amazing and full of love, life and strength.
Why are you passionate about working for SLG2:
The mission of this amazing group aligns with everything I believe in. To encourage, strengthen and empower individuals is a life mission of mine and I am thankful to do it alongside the SLG2 Team!
When not shooting, what do you love to do:
I love Nature…. all things nature. Hike, Kayak, Sit and just be present but nothing beats doing all the things outside with my amazing family!!!!