Angie Kokes – DIY Huntress with a Passion for Sharing The Crazy

I am a DIY Huntress with a wild heart and spirited soul burning with a passion to share my crazy. Participating with Shoot Like A Girl is like an extension of my life. Growing up my parents encouraged and had me mentoring hunting programs from my early teens. That has carried on to my being with SLG, since 2014 in a promotional capacity and as an archery instructor since 2017.

The shocked smiles of every new participant never gets old but teaching an old dog new tricks was probably my favorite client interaction ever.

A seasoned social media huntress came in the trailer to try new bows with her husband. Experienced shooters can be tough and opinionated, and she was no exception. As we talked thru a few things I noticed she had trouble holding her draw for any length of time.  I gave her a few tips that she didn’t seem too keen on and then she went on her way. She came back the next day and asked me to show her again, and several months later she messaged me thanking me for my patience and giving her a tip that has taken her bow hunting to another level. As an instructor one might think we are only that…instructors, what they miss is that in instructing and figuring out how to get a point across to someone we see and learn different ways of doing things, fixing things etc. I’m driven to learn and better myself as much as I am to share what I know and SLG is the perfect opportunity to spread my wings in both those areas.


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