Angie Kokes

Not All Plants are Nice
July 7, 2022
Not all plants are nice. The old saying goes: “Leaves of three, let them be.”

Bugs don’t do much harm other than being pesky, do they?
April 11, 2022
Bugs don’t do much harm other than being pesky, do they? Yes, they are pesky.
How Much Damage is the Sun Doing to My Skin?
February 27, 2022
How much damage is the sun doing to my skin? Sunburns are not only painful,
Shed Hunting
March 10, 2021
Christa talks to Shoot Like A Girl Instructor Angie Kokes about Shed Hunting!
Spear Hunting – an Ethical Option in Some States
October 29, 2020
“You did this to yourself!” The words danced like they were proud of it in
Persistence by Angie Kokes
October 29, 2020
I am asked quite often, “how did you become such a good hunter?” My reply
Angie Kokes – DIY Huntress with a Passion for Sharing The Crazy
March 20, 2020
I am a DIY Huntress with a wild heart and spirited soul burning with a