I have to start this annual report with gratitude for our partners who have enabled SLG2, Inc to make a difference in people’s lives. In 2024, we continued to reach major milestones and accomplishments.
To date, SLG2, Inc’s brands, Shoot Like a Girl and Safe LivinG, have had 42,606 participants; with a record number of guests in 2024, totaling 6,028 signed-in guests. These numbers do not include the countless others who interacted with our experiences outside, but suffice to say, we estimate that number to be in the hundreds of thousands since the company was established in 2008.
Our most significant milestone was expanding our experiences to serve military communities. In collaboration with the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, we successfully executed two ground breaking and extremely impactful events at Joint Air Force Base, Randolph and Fort Cavazos, Texas. These events promoted community safety, safe and responsible gun ownership and suicide prevention. Next year, we will continue this collaboration and visit five military installations.
We connected with an entirely new audience by attending the Atlanta Women’s Expo. In a non-gun environment, we were warmly welcomed and had a tremendously successful event with 194 people participating in a very short two day event.
Another significant achievement, was that I was the recipient of the NRA’s Golden Bullseye award for Woman of the Year. I am honored, and attribute this recognition to the support I’ve received from my family, friends, team and partners. I’m so thankful to God for each of them, for lifting me up and giving me the opportunity to make an impactful difference in the lives of the people that SLG2, Inc reaches.
Thanks to all who supported SLG2, Inc in 2024; I look forward to the future.
Karen Butler
President/CEO/Founder SLG2, Inc.