True Shot Archery Coach
by: Debi Martin
True shot archery coach has been a very effective tool in teaching me to shoot correctly. I am not the easiest person to convince that I am wrong, but seeing my groups without True Shot and with it are pretty convincing. They are now tighter and have all but done away with my left/ right issues.
My step son Gage (9 yr. old) wanted to try it out as well. Needless to say he liked it so much I could not fine mine. After a long search through the house and all over our shop I finally I found it; it was in Gage’s bow stool. He had claimed it for his own. If it can convince a 9 yr. old and someone as hard headed as me, it has got to be a great tool.
Anyone looking to improve accuracy and to elevate torch should try this product.
Debi Martin is a staff member for Shoot Like A Girl. For more information about Debi please go to and click on Pro Staff.