Test Flight Comments

Here are some comments from our test flights ! 

Enjoyed the opportunity. Sadly I didn’t understandenough about bows to really look them over. Now I am in the process of trying to purchase one and it is difficult.
3/14/2013 6:35 PM
I had so much fun. Karen Butler was amazing. She was very informative and easy to follow.. As far as purchasing a bow, I don’t know what brand, but Karen gave me information on how to select one.
3/5/2013 11:09 AM
It was a great experience and the lady that helped me was a very good teacher. It definitely made me more interested in archery hunting and I may pursue that at a later date. I had a lot of fun!
3/4/2013 1:57 PM
Loved meeting Karen since I had just read an article about her prior to the RMEF Conference. Fist time attending the conference, didn’t attend any classes so I don’t know if there were any other classes that would have been helpful for someone first learning to bow hunt. Would also like more information on pros and cons of types of bows available and if any are better suited to women or body types/size.
3/4/2013 1:01 PM
The ladies were very knowledgable and made the experience lots of fun.
3/2/2013 3:22 PM
This has been my only opportunity to try a bow with a female instructor. Karen was so personable and helpful. She encouraged me to try and now I feel confident enough to buy one!
3/2/2013 12:34 AM
As far as buying a bow I would have to do some research but I can tell you it was fun and I would love to be on a range with more distance to get the true feel of what it is like.
3/2/2013 10:19
I think that is was a great idea. I have been thinking about getting a new bow and have seen several and this gave me the opportunity to try a few and see what i liked. Thanks
2/28/2013 11:22
Gave me confidence that I can shoot a bow!
2/20/2013 12:09 AM
I loved it the women was very helpful explained everything such as the difference between the several bows I shot over all it was great
2/12/2013 10:53 PM
I really enjoyed it I was the one that you did not have long enough for me as soon as I purchase one I will let you now the length
2/11/2013 1:32 PM
it was fun
2/11/2013 9:00 AM
It was awesome! They really gave good directions and didnt speak over my head like the guys like to do!
2/10/2013 4:04 PM
Karen was awesome! Very fun booth and nice made me end up going out to buy a bow 😉
2/10/2013 12:06 AM
Karen really helped me with my form from pulling a bow back to my anchor point she was a professional…
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