Stephanie Smith – Amazing Instructor Dedicated to Safety

Stephanie has been and instructor with SLG2, Inc since 2022.

How and/or why did you get involved in shootings sports:

I started shooting in high school with 4H! From there, my journey into shooting sports really picked up with my self defense journey. Personal safety is incredibly important to me and having many tools in my toolbox of protection can never be a bad thing. 

Why are you passionate about working for SLG2:

I have never met another group of women who are so dedicated to firearm safety and teaching people to shoot as this group of ladies. I was honored to be asked to be part of the team. 

When not shooting, what do you like to do?

On any given day you will either find me outside, probably hiking on a trail with my dog and husband; or enjoying time at a local brewery with friends and family. 

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