Kelsey Crouch- Introducing People to Life-Changing Skills

Kelsey has been and instructor with SLG2, Inc since 2023.

How and/or why did you get involved in shootings sports:

I got started in shooting sports primarily for self defense purposes. I had a home invasion in college, and wanted a way to be able to defend myself moving forward. My boyfriend (husband now) introduced me to basic firearm safety and handling. I took the ball and ran with it. 

Why are you passionate about working for SLG2:

I’m so passionate about working for SLG2 because now I get to be in the position to encourage other women who might feel like I did back then. We get the privilege to have these life changing conversations every single day. These people and their stories touch my heart in such positive ways.

When not shooting, what do you like to do?

When I’m not shooting, you can still find me in nature with my kids and pups. If there is water and trees, I’m in. 

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