Kelly Phillips – Building Confidence in People to Hit their Target

Kelly Phillips has been a firearms instructor with SLG2 sin 2021. Here is a little bit more about her, in her own words:

How and/or why did you get involved in shootings sports:

I was first introduced to shooting sports in the military.  It wasn’t until I began my career in Law Enforcement that I truly discovered a passion for firearms. I was blessed with a couple of mentors and friends who were very supportive as I learned more about shooting and firearms. Having supportive people around you is so necessary, in so many aspects of life!

Why are you passionate about working for SLG2:

I am SO passionate about my work with SLG2 for multiple reasons.  I love sharing my love of shooting with people who want to learn. I get to have so many positive, encouraging interactions with folks and I LOVE seeing someone build that confidence when they pull the trigger and hit the target.  You see the light bulb go off when they realize, “I can do this!” Secondly, I am so encouraged by the other instructors. These women are strong and confident and even as an instructor – I learn something new every time I’m on the truck. I so enjoy learning from and sharing with these sisters!

When not shooting, what do you love to do:

When not shooting I love spending time with my family, reading, cooking, and working out.

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