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Kelly Mason – Transforming From Curious Guest to Passionate Instructor

Kelly Mason has been one of the long standing team members of the SLG2, Inc family, since 2017 as an Archery Coach and Firearms Instructor. Her journey from guest to instructor is transformational.

How and/or why did you get started in shooting sports?

I met Karen and SLG at NFR in Vegas.  I always wanted to hunt and learn how to protect myself and mine so I started on a journey by myself to figure out how to make this happen! I started attending classes, reading and watching endless videos to immerse myself into that world! It was my next step to now share with other women what I had accomplished and that they too at regardless of what age, can pickup a new passion that opens doors you can’t even imagine yet.

Why are you passionate about working for SLG2: 

Life’s circumstances can alter our direction and it is by blessing that my personal arrow has intersected with SLG where I can share the vast possibilities of learning how to hunt, how to get involved in shooting sports and pickup a new passion regardless of the family you were born into or the physical location you were raised!  Anything is possible and SLG opens that door and surrounds you with the resources, support and education to watch that vision come to life!   

When not shooting, what do you love to do

I truly love the challenge of hunting deer and turkey each and every year! Photography is the perfect outlet for me as well to piggyback on my goals of visiting all our National Parks in the USA! My son Colt, my best friend, and my husband Travis both support my ministry goals and desire to pass my flame of the archery arrow to those that I meet! 

  • Kelly Mason Head Shot
  • Kelly Mason GTM
  • Kelly Mason outside
  • Kelly Mason with Guest
  • Kelly Mason with Guest
  • Kelly Mason with guest
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