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Amy Hunter

I am from North Central Pennsylvania. I work as the environmental and fleet manager for a private not for profit foundation serving adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, which I love! I am an avid hunter and love to fish. I am a self-taught hunter. Although I grew up in a culture full of hunters, they were all male and I was never offered the opportunity to learn. So I spent many years of trial and error and have become a competent outdoorswoman. I love to introduce women to all things outdoors, especially shooting sports! I am passionate about women feeling not only empowered, but confident in where they are in their ability and finding new ways to grow. I feel as a female instructor I can offer guidance and insight into a variety of options for women to try whether it is to hunt, shoot competitively, or just enjoy the outdoors with their family. I compete in 3-D archery competition on a local and state level, but my main passion is hunting and enjoying what the outdoors has to offer.

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