I was so excited to receive a private message on my Facebook page from a gentleman that was in my husband’s bass club named Bill Cameron. Bill is a 69-year-old gentleman retired from the U.S. Army and his wife, Elaine, is a 64-year-old retired Army Nurse. Bill said he noticed on my Facebook that I loved archery with all the pictures I post of my family and I shooting, plus all of the 4-H kids that I instruct. I especially love sharing the 4-H kids accomplishments.
Upon arrival I was greeted with great enthusiasm. They were very excited. Bill brought his bow out to show me what he had. Honestly his bow was so old that I had never seen one like it. I was pretty sure with the string as old as it was, it was not safe to pull back. I retrieved the bows that I brought for them to try out. It was a beautiful day and they had a beautiful backyard. It was the perfect setting. We sat down at their patio table under a huge oak tree. Per their request, I went over the equipment with them and explained what they would be doing. They were both very attentive and eager to learn. They were looking forward to shooting in their backyard and having another hobby to experience together.