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A Favorite Item To Bring To Picnics And Outdoor Barbecues

When I get invited to outdoor picnics and Bar-b-ques, I don’t bring a covered dish, I bring a Thermacell Patio Shield Mosquito Repeller.  (SLG2 recieves a commission if you purchase this item).  This gem of an item, ensures mosquitos don’t invade our outdoor dining experience.  The product not only looks great, it has no smell and does not use deet.  Thermacell states one Patio Shield will create a 15-foot zone of protection from mosquitos, but my experience is that the little gnats that like to get into my beverage of choice aren’t at the party either. I’ve used many different Thermacell products for years, and have always appreciated the mosquito free bubble it creates.

Using a Thermacell Patio Shield is easy. Simply twist in the fuel cartridge, insert the repellent mat, turn it to on, and push the ignite button.  When using the Thermacell Patio Shield, allow 10 to 30 minutes for its full effectiveness.  The repellant mat will turn from pale blue to white after about 4 hours of continuous use.  As with many products, keep out of reach of children.

If you have been staying inside to avoid mosquito bites, or enjoying the outdoors with alternate stinky candles and sprays, I highly suggest you invest in a Thermacell.  The diseases mosquitos carry are no joke, and having a scent free and bug spray free option to keep those nasty insects at bay will enhance your outdoor experience.  So, the next time you are invited to a picnic or bar-b-que, don’t bring a covered dish; show up with a Thermacell Patio Shield.

By Karen Butler, President and Founder of Shoot Like A Girl.


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