Outdoor Life Top 25 in 2011

Picture by Melissa Tash Studios

Shoot Like A Girl is proud to announce that Karen Butler, Founder and President of Shoot Like A girl has been named by Outdoor Life as one of the OL 25: Leaders in Hunting, Fishing and Conservation for her vision to get more women involved in shooting sports. “I was shocked when I got the news, it was surreal to realize that the industry recognizes what we are trying to do, and values it too. I am truly honored to be listed with the other esteemed awardees”, said Butler. Shoot Like A Girl has been operating for three years and encourages more women to be involved in shooting sports. Their mission is to “empower women to participate in shooting sports with confidence.” With the help of Corporate Sponsors, they travel around the country and introduce women to archery, actually shooting a bow, in a safe controlled environment. To date, they have had over 1500 women participate Test Flights™, with 40% of those ladies being first time shooters. “It is incredible when we get new shooters in the booth, and at first they are apprehensive about shooting, but after a few minutes of education and safety tips, they shoot the bow, and their faces light up, and the next thing out of their mouth is, “Can I do it again!”” stated Butler. Butler, her husband and staff love to chat with the husbands, boyfriends and dads who are equally excited to see the “ah ha” moment women get when provided the opportunity to shoot a bow that fits them in a draw weight they can pull back on their own. Butler advocates shooting sports for women because it provides women with quality time with their families, exercise benefits and the instant gratification of hitting the target. The benefit to the industry is new consumer growth, 99% of women who complete the Test Flight survey say they will buy or have bought a bow. Karen also promotes hunting as a choice women can make, which helps protect the future of hunting. The National Shooting Sports Federation stated in their “Future of Hunting and the Shooting Sports” that we increase the number of hunters when Mothers shoot; their statistics show that when moms hunt, 64% of sons hunt; and 50% of daughters; compared to only 46% of sons and 13% of daughters when only fathers hunt. Butler appreciates the recognition by Outdoor Life, but also attributes Shoot Like A Girl’s success to their corporate sponsors: Hunter Safety System, Prois, Limbsaver, Mathews Inc, Bohning, Haley Vines Outdoor Collection, Muzzy Products Corp, Gerbing’s Heated Clothing, Game Plan Gear, Hoyt, BowTech, Target Communications, and the Archery Shooters Association. These sponsors have embraced Shoot Like A Girl’s vision. They share the commitment to empower women to participate in shooting sports with confidence. Butler states that they are always recruiting new corporate sponsors so Shoot Like A Girl can reach even more women.

To read the write up on Karen Butler in Outdoor Life visit www.outdoorlife.com/ol25, it is number 21 of 25. If you believe in what Shoot Like A Girl is doing for the industry, leave a comment to vote and show your support. For more information on Shoot Like A Girl visit www.shootlikeagirl.com.

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