” I Shoot For The Girls” Charity Archery Tournament for NBCF

ATHENS, Ala. — Oct. 31, 2014 — Shoot Like A Girl (SLG2) is proud to announce that we will be hosting our annual “I Shoot for the Girls™” mail-in tournament, a sanctioned event by the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), until March 31, 2015.  This tournament, which began in Oct. 2014, provides participants an opportunity to compete on a national level in a fun mail-in tournament.  SLG2 will donate 100 percent of the profit the NBCF. 

“Last year, we raised just under $10,000 for NBCF, and our total for the past 3 years has been $24,000,” said Karen Butler, president of SLG2. Raychel Shaw, an instructor with SLG2, is the tournament director. “Raychel will ensure the tournament runs smoothly and help us meet our goal of raising $20,000 for the NBCF to use for early detection screenings and research to end this horrible disease,” added Butler.  
Contestants will shoot from 18 meters (Vegas Style). The target consists of 3 breast cancer ribbons, the white in the center of the ribbon’s loop is worth 10 points, and anywhere on the pink is 5 points; this includes a very small breast cancer ribbon in the “I Shoot For the Girls™” logo. There will be 10 rounds, for a total max score of 400 points. Each arrow should be shot at a different ribbon. Double scoring and certification by a range officer is required. To date, the target has not been shot clean by any competitors. Participants can shoot in 1 of several divisions:  Women’s, Men’s, Young Adult (15-17), Youth (12-14) and Cub (11 and under). Winners in each division will win a prize pack from SLG2. Archery Ranges and Shops should email Raychel Shaw for specific details on hosting an event.
Ranges and shops that provide free range-time for archers to shoot in the “I Shoot for the Girls™” tournament will receive a certificate and certificates for their top 3 in each division.  There are no upfront costs for dealers to host this tournament, which makes it a win-win! The cost is $20 per shooter. Special targets and official score cards will be mailed to ranges. Contact Raychel Shawfor more details.
About Shoot Like A Girl:

Shoot Like A Girl (SLG², Inc) is a company dedicated to growing the number of women in shooting sports by empowering them to participate with confidence.  With the help of our corporate sponsors, Shoot Like A Girl (SLG², Inc) thanks their valued corporate partners who share their mission to grow the number of women in shooting sports, by empowering them with confidence:  Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, 3M Peltor, Hunter Safety System, Ammo To Go, Bear Archery, BowTech, Charter Arms, Colt, Crimson Trace, Danner, Game Plan Gear, GLOCK, Inc, Hogue, Hoyt, Hunt Force, Elite, Lethal, Lumenok, Neet Archery Products, Mammoth Coolers, Mathews Inc, Mossy Oak, Powder Hook, POV Action Cameras, ScentBlocker/Tree Spider, Smith and Wesson, Sonic Boom Targets, Stedi-Stock, Taurus, ThermaCell, Trijicon, Triple Crown Outdoors, Trophy Hunting Products, TRUGLO, PSE Women’s Outdoor News, Upper Canyon Outfitters, and ASA.
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