Shoot Like A Girl GamePlan Gear Bowcase Product Review

One word LOVE. I absolutely love my SLG bow case! When they designed this case they defiantly kept us women in mind.
It is not your normal bulky over weight bow case, it is slim, lightweight, fun and stylish! If you are worried about protection, do not be. They offer a sleek design with a ton of padding for protection and many different pockets for arrow and other equipment storage.
I go to many different of tournaments throughout the year including various states and always get a compliment on the case or people staring at the bold design.
If you are in the market ladies for a new bow case I would recommend this one 110%! Shoot Like a Girl!

Jill Hazi is a member of the Shoot Like A Girl Team. To find out more about Jill please go to and click on Pro Staff.


  1. Looks great – where can I order one?

  2. oops! posted too soon. Just found the site. 🙂

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