Murray Road

In 2020, after many crossed paths and mutual industry connections, Murray Road Agency joined the Shoot Like A Girl team as their agency of record for public relations and social media management. The diverse agency is responsible for creating and distributing key company news, promoting corporate partners, managing social media strategies and seamlessly integrating these tactics into other marketing and public relations efforts for Shoot Like A Girl. Murray Road is heavily established in the shooting sports, hunting and outdoor space, and their female project leads work closely with Shoot Like A Girl to ensure the company’s message and mission reach as many people as possible and help bring more women into the shooting sports.

Murray Road strives to invest in, grow with and exceed expectations for their clients. They use a combination of experience, strategic direction, data-driven decisions and passion to deliver difference-making growth. Whether they’re responsible for one side of the marketing spectrum or multiple functions, the agency looks to maximize opportunities and improve performance across the board. Murray Road’s differentiation is seen in their approach, consistency and ability to make a difference each day.

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