Firearm Tips
Instructor Corner: Trigger Control
Trigger Control is one of the fundamentals in learning how to shoot handguns. It’s very
Review: Hogue’s Pink AR Accessories Make That Gun Her Gun
Recently I was given the opportunity by Hogue to accessorize my newest rifle, a Smith
Your Vote Counts
If the Second Amendment is important to you, then ladies, please exercise the right to
How to Get Competitive with Your Shooting
Competitive shooting can sound very intimidating to some, especially to new shooters. To be honest,
Colt Peacemaker Product Review
I recently had the pleasure of reviewing a Colt Peacemaker, single-action .357 revolver. I shot
Instructor Corner: Eye Dominance
Understanding which eye is your dominant eye can greatly impact your shooting capabilities. With the
Instructor Corner – A Better Way to ‘Rack the Slide’
Learning to use any type of firearm may be overwhelming. Guns have different parts and
PHOTO TIPS by: Colleen Richardson Now that hunting season is underway I thought it would
Shooting Tip – Trigger Pull – by Karen Butler
Hi! I was shooting a Rimfire tournament the other day, not doing near a well

BRASS and the Accurate Shot by Todd Butler
“Shooting well with the rifle is the highest kind of skill, for the rifle is