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Being Brave

I recently became a mother of two. Motherhood is daunting in and of itself, now throw in how to divide your time and attention and this momma was overwhelmed. It felt impossible to balance bath time and a hungry newborn. I was so blessed to have help the first couple of weeks after baby was born that when the day came for me to be on my own, I was uneasy (to say the least). But we made it through that day and every day since.

Being brave one day at a time.

When I was cleared for activity, the thought of getting both kids ready to go on a walk felt impossible or at least by the time I would have them both ready it would be someone’s nap time. But one Monday, we tried, and we got around the block. And the next day we conquered two blocks! Before I knew it, we were walking a mile with plenty of snacks and stops along the way.

I have to practice being brave, one step at a time.

The kids and I tried to go to story time at the library. It was a good test/event for our first outing as a trio. Unfortunately, story time was packed, and I picked the worst library in the shadiest part of town. We ended up locked in our vehicle to have snacks and a minor meltdown (not sure if it was me or the toddler). But nonetheless, all three of us made it in and out of a public place.

I chose to be brave in a little way.

In the season I’m in, being brave in little ways looks like wrangling two kids and still trying to find independence. It looks like being a protector and provider. Sometimes being brave just means showing up. As author Emily P. Freeman and Anna from Frozen would say, just do “the next right thing.” Most of the time, that next right thing requires us to be brave in a little way. Often, we get caught up in the huge milestones and achievements, but progress rarely happens in grand events.

It’s the small progress, the choosing to show up, the little moments of bravery that compel us forward into who we want to be.

What does it look like in your season? Does it look like finally starting that hobby you’ve always dreamed about? Does it look like signing up for that class? Making that phone call or sending that text? Does it look like walking into the Shoot Like a Girl trailer?

So, for your today friend, I hope you find a way to be brave in a little way and see where that takes you.

You can read more about Bri’s journey into motherhood in her previous article “First Time Mom – Long Time Gun Owner”

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