The Thrill of Bow and 3D Archery


Many women shy away from archery because they feel it is too complicated or they are too old to learn a new sport! Nonsense!  Shoot Like a Girl (SLG) is filled with women with the desire to share their love of the sport!  Many women, including myself, were not raised in the sport, felt it was too late to learn, or were concerned that they would be embarrassed; this is why SLG exists. We are here to share basic skills, in a language you will understand and to help all women get started finding a piece of themselves they might never have known existed. This is the thrill of bow and 3D archery.

Personally, I am self-taught and was in my early 40’s when I first started exploring archery!  Check with your nearest archery store for leagues and online for “3-D shoots” and they will get you started in the wonderful world of 3-D archery.  Don’t have a bow? You can rent one.  There is nothing stopping you and it often costs $10 for 30 minutes per lane to practice, which won’t break the bank either!

These basic steps will give you the courage to try it and see what is waiting for you!

One of the greatest aspects of the sport of Archery is the various styles and opportunities to enjoy the thrill of the bow, with or without hunting.  3-D archery uses life-size models of various animals and recreates a hunting environment for competition and for fun!  The sport continues to grow with National and local clubs are spreading like wildfire across the country.  There are indoor and outdoor leagues where you have the opportunity to test your skills.  3-D archery courses offer a wide variety of scenarios with shots at various 3-D animal targets, including:

  • Bear / Deer
  • Boar
  • Turkey
  • Fox / Coyote
  • Sheep/Goats
  • Woodland Moose
  • Elk / Caribou
  • Buffalo


A few tips of things I wish I had at my first outdoor 3-D shoot:

  • A “dove stool” allows you something to sit while waiting for others to shoot. The stools can be purchased with a zip compartment to store a nice cold drink.
  • Have extra arrows to replace the ones that might go into the ground or get lost.
  • A hip quiver makes carrying your arrows convenient and easy to use.
  • Keep a light rain jacket on hand or in your stool for outdoor events
  • Bug-spray (mosquitos, ticks and chiggers will distract you while you shoot)
  • Sunblock
  • Sunglasses

Now you’re ready to get started! Don’t get caught up in too many details right now; go out and have some fun and you have plenty of time to learn all the rest! Send us your pictures and experience we would love to hear about it and enjoy the thrill of bow and 3D archery!

If you are looking for more information, check this article out on Getting Started in Archery.

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