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Shoot Like A Girl & Sisterhood of the Outdoors Women’s Arkansas Waterfowl Hunt

First Duck!

Extremely cold temperatures, ice, and mud is usually not the perfect situation for what some call a great adventure, unless you’re a duck hunter.  The 5th annual The Sisterhood of the Outdoors/Shoot Like a Girl duck hunt at Bust a Duck guide service in Augusta, Arkansas was a continued success.  This year’s hunt was a special one, with two of the ladies taking their first duck ever.

First Duck!

The arctic air found its way South in the last few days of December making the 2017 women’s waterfowl hunt one of the coldest yet.  There is nothing like sharing the duck blind with fellow female hunters, no matter the conditions.  Introducing new waterfowl hunters is one of my biggest passions.  Waterfowl hunting is unique compared to other species, as hunters don’t have to worry about scent control or talking too much in the blind, unless the birds are working.  This is the perfect combination for bringing a new female hunter into the field. Duck hunting has so many opportunities for social interaction in the blind, and new hunters are able to ask questions right after the action takes place.Because of the harsh weather conditions, our new hunters got to experience all the challenges that waterfowl hunters face.  The combination of ice and clouds are a duck hunter’s nightmare.  Cloudy days create less shadows allowing ducks to see your decoy spread better.  Combine that with big chunks of ice floating around in your decoy spread and ice freezing to your decoys makes for a challenging day.  Although the conditions were not favorable, it

SLG Chief Operations Officer Cristy Crawford with Sisterhood of the Outdoors Owner Amy Ray
Mr Bust a Duck Buster Cooper with our group of female hunters at the BAD Lodge
Our group enjoying fellowship and a successful hunt!!

allowed for many learning opportunities.  We had safe and fun hunts in both traditional and pit style blinds.  Through all the hard work, challenges, and worst-case scenarios our new duck hunters still fell in love with duck hunting.This hunt continues to be one of my favorite hunts of the year.  Seeing the excitement on new hunters’ faces continues to fuel my passion for waterfowl hunting.  Special thank you to Federal Preimum Ammunition and Beretta. The team at Bust a Duck guide service go above and beyond to make us feel welcome at the lodge and in the field. It is without a doubt a female friendly operation.  You can find out more about Bust a Duck Guide service at .  We are so happy to continue teaming up with The Sisterhood of the Outdoors and bring together ladies of all walks of life to enjoy duck hunting.  The Sisterhood of the Outdoors’ mission is to empower the next generation lady hunter and provide ladies with quality hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventures at an affordable price.  They have numerous opportunities for fishing and hunting.  To find out more information about Sisterhood of the Outdoors go to .  A small deposit holds your spot in the 2018.  Comes hunt with us!Cristy Crawford – Shoot Like A Girl Chief Operations Officer

SLG Chief Operations Officer Cristy Crawford shooting the Beretta a400 Xtreme 12ga shotgun & Federal Premium Blackcloud shells
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