Scentblocker Sola Recon Shirt and Hat Product Review

Scentblocker Sola Recon Shirt and Hat Product Review
Oklahoma archery season is finally here and now I have been able to put my ScentBlocker gear to work! I have been wearing my ScentBlocker Sola Recon long sleeved shirt and cap each outing which has proven to help me be successful in the field!
Last week while hunting, I hunted the same tree Wednesday through Saturday and the wind was not always in my favor.  Each outing I wore my ScentBlocker gear and had several deer (bucks, does, & yearlings), as well as, a coyote in my area. On Friday afternoon, I had two bucks come in behind me and one ended up walking right below the tree I was hunting from!

Saturday afternoon, I was blessed with the opportunity to harvest a buck from only 36 yards away. He walked in one hundred yards southeast from my stand where he ate in an open field for around 15 minutes. Then he slowly moved along the wood line closer and closer to me within a 10 minute time frame until he paused just long enough for me to seal the deal! He and another buck were obviously never spooked by my presence or human smells as they both came in very close to my tree. The other buck walked even closer to me at 20 yards. 

I am an elementary school teacher and during the week, I am only able to hunt in the afternoons. I take as many extra precautions as I can to minimize the smells I may acquire throughout the day but it is extremely good to know that I can depend on ScentBlocker to help shield me as I climb in to my stand after working all day!

To find out more information on Scentblock SOLA gear go to 
To read more about Suzetta go to and click on Pro Staff.

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