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Reflections on Father’s Day

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Father’s Day is a day to recognize the men in our lives who help empower us to achieve our goals; at least that’s how I see the holiday.  However, explains that Father’s Day was added as a compliment to Mother’s Day, with a connection to the Civil War and WWII and declared a National Holiday in 1972.  Of course, the underlying reasons for both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day were the underlying benefits through gift giving.  The Shoot Like A Girl team has met so many fabulous dad’s, husbands and loved ones across the country. We understand why more than $1 Billion dollars is spent each year on Father’s Day gifts; plus we all have our own loved ones are deserving of recognition.

A few stories come to mind, and are only a small fraction of the thousands of stories we have for reflections on Father’s Day.

Decades of caring – reflections on Father’s Day

When we were in Ft. Myers, Florida a few years ago, I was touched by a man who was so lovingly watching as we helped his over 65 year old wife get comfortable with a gun.  While his wife was inside shooting, he asked me to show him our technique for releasing the slide.  As I talked to him, I learned that they had a spike in crime in their neighborhood. He was fearful for his wife’s safety when he traveled for work.  They had gone over 65 years without feeling the need for a firearm, but had decided to make a purchase. They also planned to get training and be prepared.  His wife had a huge fear of firearms, and I’ll never forget his compassion and support towards her. She overcome those fears, and we empowered her with confidence.

A newlywed husband’s reaction to his wife shooting a bow – reflections on Father’s Day

Another of favorite, that still makes me smile, was this young man and his wife; just married. He was a die-hard bow hunter.  The young man couldn’t get her to fall in love with archery.  He sat on the stool as our archery instructor taught her.  We she pulled the bow back, and let an arrow fly, the young man was like “YES!!!!”.  As she continued to do well, he was encouraging. He was also vocal; let’s just say they were a newlywed couple. The sounds he was making sounded more like, “hmmmmm” and “ohhhhhh yes” and  well use your imagination.  He was proud, and she was proud.  I imagine them now, years later taking their children out to shoot archery.

A father in Olathe KS brought his daughters in to learn about pepper spray – reflections on Father’s Day

He had stopped by to get more information on what we were about. He mentioned he had one daughter in high school and one going to college. We chatted about all of the things Shoot Like A Girl offers. He perked up when we mentioned pepper spray demos with inert sprays, sponsored by our friends at Sabre. He promised he would bring them back Sunday. Sunday afternoon came and they returned. All three of them learned so much, not only about pepper spray, but about archery and also firearm safety. He thanked us over and over. We thank Dads like him for carrying enough and bringing their girls to experience Shoot Like A Girl.

On a personal note:

As I reflect back on the history of Shoot Like A Girl, I would not be here without the men in my life.  This is a true statement; had it not been for my spectacular husband, Todd, and my Dad, Chuck Daugherty, Shoot Like A Girl would have remained an idea sketched out on a napkin.  Although my step-dad, C.E. McNeill had passed away before I started Shoot Like A Girl, the lessons he taught me about business and life have been equally important to my success.  I am thrilled when we have men come to the trailer with hopes of getting the ladies in their lives comfortable with shooting sports.  These men truly just want their loved ones to feel safe and be secure.

To all those men who support all of us girls, “Thank you!”.

We don’t do anything in life by ourselves. By the grace of God, great men have helped lift us up, and empowered us to achieve our goals.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_gallery type=”flexslider_slide” interval=”3″ images=”18177,18176,18174,18173,18172,18171,18170,18169,18168,18167,18166,18165,18155,18150,18148,18147″ title=”Photos of Families”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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