Debi Martin

About Debi:

I am a simple girl with a big love for the great outdoors. I spend most of my time with my family hunting, fishing and shooting archery tournaments. I am very fortunate to be married to a lover of the outdoors as well. My husband Brad has supported me and always helped me in anything I do. We are very devout Christians and have been blessed beyond measure. God has provided between the both of us five beautiful children and three perfect grandchildren.

How I got involved in shooting and or hunting:

My late father was a preacher and an avid hunter. Some of my fondest memories were of he and I in the woods together. We enjoyed all that God had put on earth for us to have. My father always took the time to show me how to do things and he would explain the privilege of getting to hunt. My husband Brad was very eager to buy me a bow and have me go with him to archery tournaments as well as bow hunt. With much love for me, and with the patience of Job he introduced me to archery. Now we travel all over with ASA shooting tournaments and we try to hunt in as many states as we can.

Why I like encouraging/introducing women and beginners into shooting sports/hunting:

When I get to talk to women about shooting sports it gives me the biggest sense of accomplishment. Just having an opportunity to talk with woman that were told they weren’t good enough or they could not do something just because they were a girl, well that just makes me strive harder to prove the doubters wrong. We as women need to always support each other in all that we do. Taking someone no matter what age and putting a bow or a gun in their hand for the first time is like something I cannot explain. Having them feel the sense of empowerment for the first time, having them know they can do it and seeing the smile on their face is priceless. By passing on my knowledge of shooting sports and hunting is me doing my part to keep the tradition alive.

Other outdoor/shooting activities:

I shoot with local archery clubs as well as with ASA and I am also an avid hunter. I work closely with Mississippi Bowhunters Association as they fight to keep our bowing privileges alive in our state. With MBA we host archery camps for children. Some of those camps are for orphans, Camp Rainbow is for children going through or recovering from cancer and Camp Just Like Me is for children who have just lost a parent. With our local archery club we have always encouraged women to come out and learn basic instruction on archery. We have been very successful in bringing not just women but children to the sport.

Quick Facts:

How many years have you been shooting a bow? 6

Who introduced you to a bow? My husband Brad Martin.

How many years have you been shooting a firearm? 32 years

Who introduced you to a firearm? My late father J. D. Enterkin.

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